2. People who wear leggings as pants: I'm sorry this only looks good on people who are tall and skinny anyone else, it just looks ridiculous and not flattering at all, cover your ass for christs sake.
3. People who copy your stuff or buy the same stuff as you: Gaaaah this happens to me a lot, especially at my school where the girls are very rich and can buy everything.
4. People who buy clothes just for the brand name but have no style: This is pretty much my school all over, everyone buys sass and bide, stolen girlfriends club etc. but have no actual style to make it look their own or maybe they will only wear that item of clothing once!
5. Cliches: Friends of mine are thinking of getting tattoos this summer and they want things like a star, a heart...and it's just so cliche its incredible. I can't wait till they regret them immensely in the future.
6. Year 9's (Form 3's): These girls make me so angry, they think that they are superior to everyone else and have no respect for senior girls. Also the things they do at their age you wouldn't believe, they make me so angry.
7. People who are clingy: seriously I need some personal space.
8. People who don't understand a movie and whisper you questions all through it: I cannot stand this, it just infuriates me! I made sure I saw Inception with someone who wouldn't do this.
9. Old men and guys who honk at girls: I don't understand what they expect when they honk at me or my friends when we're walking down the street? Do they think I'm gonna come chasing after they're car because the honk was so seductive. It's so weird and creepy.
and that's all I can think of at the moment :)
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