It seems that this bag was such a success because of the bags simple and comfortable design. The shoulder straps allowed women to be more free and still carry their precious and belongings with them. It appears that this made women so much comfortable since it is still among the top choices in bags.
Chanel bags are known for their high quality, gorgeous design and attractiveness. This is due to Chanel's years of experience and focus towards perfection and style.
The Chanel 2.55 bag seems to be a timeless classic, because of it's simple yet elegant design, comfort and stylish appearance. The Chanel 2.55 bags come in multiple colors, from traditional black or white, to gold, silver, purple, navy etc. They are the bags which will allow you to stand out, because there is no way you won't notice a Chanel bag. The quilted 2.55 Chanel came as an inspiration from 1955 jockey quilted coats.
The exterior as well as the interior of the bags are very well thought. Many women have fallen in love with this gorgeous and stylish bag, and there is no wonder why. The chain straps offer a little bit of twist to the the bag, making it stand out even more.

The reintroduction of this bag was a success and most of the original design was kept. It seems that only the original double C logo was change, the rest being kept almost unchanged. The size of the 2.55 bag varies from small to large, in order to ensure that every woman's needs are satisfied.
Hollywood celebrities love the Chanel 2.55. Celebrities like Renee Zellweger, Nicole Richie, Lauren Conrad, Mischa Barton, Eva Mendez, Sienna Miller, Lindsay Lohan are only a few proud owners of this gorgeous Chanel bag.
If you wish for a timeless and gorgeous handbag, the Chanel 2.55 can offer you everything you need.
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